Wooden and plastic furniture wedges


Aus Buchenholz, verschiedene Stärken
Karton ca. 1330 Stück, 5 kg

7-fach eingesägte Holzkeile

Aus Buchenholz
Kein Sägen, kein Abstemmen!
9,5 cm lang, unterschlagen - abbrechen - fertig!
Karton ca. 500 Stück

7-fach eingesägte Plastikkeile

Farbe: braun
Länge: 8cm
Karton ca. 500 Stück


aus Hartfaserplatte roh / 3 mm, 8 x 2 cm,
für den perfekten Möbelaufbau.
Karton mit 500 Stück

fair, flexible, functional
technically skilled - and fast

Furniture Wedges

Furniture wedges guarantee that small and large pieces of furniture alike will stand firmly in place.  Not every piece of furniture has an even undersurface and the floor of a living room might have uneven spots. In this way, the furniture slightly shakes since uneven spots prevent it from standing firmly. Furniture wedges will help you to quickly and reliably align pieces of furniture.

Furniture wedges are easy to apply. Thanks to the shape of the wedge, the assembler is able to use the wedge to exactly fill in the gap produced by the uneven spot. The protruding end of the furniture wedge will then be removed and thus the furniture wedge is not visible anymore.